
Climate resilience, MGF projects

Transform Your Agricultural Innovation into Reality: Apply for the Matching Grant Fund for Climate-Resilient Value Chains!

Do you know that your innovative idea for the cashew, cocoa, maize, cattle, sheep, or goat value chains in an OACPS member state could secure you a golden funding opportunity?

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Events & Cooperation

Announcement of Expert Talks - 2024

Jointly with you, we would like to bring this expertise together for further scaling of successful approaches to push the borders of growth for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) in African, Caribbean and Pacific states operating in agricultural production, processing and services.

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ABF team gears up for upcoming challenges

After over a hundred intriguing and hands-on team-building activities, ABF team fondly described their moods as "sunlight and rainbow," a testament to the positive energy and colorful interactions that characterized the time together.

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Events & Cooperation, MGF projects

Energized by Cocoa!

17 countries, 4 continents, 3 languages for the Cocoa Agripreneurs' Day

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Events & Cooperation, Impacts, MGF projects

The Cocoa Agripreneurs' Day

An event connecting partners after the World Cocoa Conference 2024.

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E-Learning, Events & Cooperation, Impacts, MGF projects, Trainings

ACBF and ABF define joint work packages for promoting sustainable agribusiness development

16th February 2024, Accra, Ghana. The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the GIZ project Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) worked extensively on their joint objectives and defining concrete work packages for action during a two-day workshop taking place at ACBF’s Office in Accra on 14th and 15th February.

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E-Learning, Impacts, Trainings

Time to celebrate! 20,000 enrollments in our Agribusiness e-Academy

As of today, we reached 20,000 enrollments in the e-learning courses of our Agribusiness e-Academy on

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E-Learning, Impacts, Trainings

ABF empowers female Agripreneurs through impactful agribusiness trainings

ABF is dedicated to empowering female agripreneurs through comprehensive agribusiness trainings.

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New e-Learning course "Business Model Canvas for Agribusinesses" launched

We are very excited to announce the launch of the Business Model Canvas for Agribusinesses course on our Agribusiness e-Academy. Join now!

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Events & Cooperation, Impacts, Trainings

ABF and its partners reach new heights in empowering African smallholders

The Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) and its partners have made significant strides in enhancing the business skills of agripreneurs (agricultural entrepreneurs) in Africa.

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E-Learning, Events & Cooperation, MGF projects, Trainings

Joining forces - ACBF and ABF have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

13th December, Accra Ghana. ABF signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF).

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Events & Cooperation, MGF projects

Developing the agricultural sector - Evaluation of concept notes received in response to a call for funding

Cotonou, Benin, November 17th to 25th, 2023. The international and inter-institutional Committee of Experts is meeting to evaluate 426 submissions received under the call for concept notes for the "Competitive Matching Grant Fund" by the "Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains" (ABF4VC).


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FBS Ambassador mission – a concept to be continued!

From 23rd October to 3rd November, the Farmer Business School (FBS) Coordinator Dalila Dalhoumi from Tunisia travelled to Mali for her first Ambassador Mission. The following objectives were met: Strengthening the exchange in the FBS Trainer network, getting to know each other for potential cooperation and exchange of best practices and jointly discussing how the FBS training can be used more intensively e.g. also within the framework of the Matching Grant Fund offered by the Agri-Business Facility for Africa.

All in all, the mission led to very insightful and fruitful discussions and exchanges.


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The Agribusiness e-Academy celebrates 10,000 enrollments

Eschborn, Germany, 14 November. We are excited to announce our achievement of 10,000 enrollments in our Agribusiness e-Academy. Since the official launch of the Agribusiness e-Academy in May 2022, we have awarded around 4,500 certificates – and now – reached 10,000 enrollments.

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MGF projects

The Matching Grant Fund Call is closed – Impressive 426 concept notes received

13th November, 2023. On 10th November at 11:59 pm GMT, the Call for Concept Notes within the framework of the Matching Grant Fund (MGF) for resilient agricultural value chains – in this call for cocoa, maize, cattle, sheep, and goats – has been closed. An impressive 426 Concept Notes have been handed in by interested potential partners and consortia.

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Events & Cooperation, Trainings

A recap of the 1st Master Trainer Network Conference: Agribusiness is my learning journey

Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 September. The 1st Master Trainer Network Conference “Agribusiness is my learning journey” was concluded after successful 1.5 weeks of joint learning, exchanging, discussing, preparing, and receiving various inputs that support the ABF Master Trainers and Coordinators in fulfilling their daily tasks. ABF managed to welcome 45 ABF Master Trainers from 15 different countries – also visualized in the pictures. Up to 40 Master Trainers used the option to participate online in the various exchange and learning sessions.

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Events & Cooperation, Trainings

Agribusiness is my learning journey – The 1st Master Trainer Network Conference to further promote successful agribusiness training

Johannesburg, South Africa, 11th of September 2023. The Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains (ABF4VC) kicked-off the first Master Trainer Network Conference titled “Agribusiness is my learning journey”. The Conference is hosted by the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD. The experts for successful agribusiness training approaches such as the Farmer Business School (FBS) come together for exchanges, updates, and strengthening an already strong network to further boost African agricultural sectors.

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Launch of Gender makes Business Sense+ Training

Accra, July 3, 2023. The GIZ projects Market Oriented Value Chains for Employment and Growth in the ECOWAS Regions (MOVE) and Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) are excited to announce the launch of the first Gender makes Business Sense+ training.

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ABF / GIZ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

The Joint Action is jointly co-financed by the European Union under the Samoa agreement with OACPS and by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.

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