Launch of Gender makes Business Sense+ Training

Accra, July 3, 2023. The GIZ projects Market Oriented Value Chains for Employment and Growth in the ECOWAS Regions (MOVE) and Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) are excited to announce the launch of the first Gender makes Business Sense+ training.
GmBS+ is a practical gender transformative 5-day capacity development journey for agripreneurs that enhances their understanding of business with an integrated gender dimension to thrive with a new mindset. The GmBS+ training shows how a collaborative approach between women, men, public and private sector, and communities can systematically change the gender imbalances in all agribusiness value chain segments. GmBS+ further provides
- a safe environment especially for women to express and discuss their business ideas and challenges,
- tips and tricks as well as insights that increase income of a business,
- connection with facilitators and mentors who are mindful of your local realities,
- networking options with other businessmen and women to learn from each other.
15 male and female participants from the cashew and maize value chain from all over Ghana are trained by 5 Master Trainers from Ghana, Togo and Benin. The first GmBS+ training will go on until July 6.
GIZ, the German agency for international cooperation, conducts the training on behalf of the donors, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union, as well as the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific Countries (OACPS).
Opening remarks were given by ABF’s project head, Magnus Schmid, as well as Mrs. Paulina Addy, Director of WIAD (Women in Agriculture Development Directorate), of Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana who welcomed the training approach and emphasized on the importance of empowering women in agribusiness and reducing the gender gap.